Thursday, June 20, 2019

Glass Ceiling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Glass Ceiling - Essay ExampleThe four have demonstrated enthusiasm and commitment in their fields. The ambitious dimension is eminent on its adaptive pole by self-confidence. It enabled them to nurtured dominant aspect with authoritativeness, pathological aggressiveness, and boldness. They end up being tough, unsen sentencental, and competitive. They have a tendency of not binding by the limits that apply to others (Jalalzai, 2013).A good example is Hillary Clinton. His ambition in being the United States first female president kept her as a favorite for the Democratic nomination. She served in official positions and ambitiously made decisions that kept her on her move. For instance, problem-solving and decision-making roles in her position as the Secretary of State. Nancy Pelosi built a base in spite of appearance the Democrats caucus and consolidated enough power in winning the speakership position of the House of Representative. Being the first female in the position, she unders tood the tempo and the idiosyncrasy of the House. Ambitiously, she was determined in increasing the funding for AIDS research and in putting pressure on China to improve the human right insurance policy (Palmer & Simon, 2006).Sarah Palin also demonstrated her ambitious nature from her determination of becoming the vice presidential candidate of the America despite serving less than half of her time as Alaskas governor. She had less experience for the position but was ambitious in the post. Nothing could stop her to reach her goal (Barreto, Ryan & Schmitt, 2009).Condoleezza Rice, being African-American, became one of the known and much-loved members of the Bush administration. Second female Secretary of State, she demonstrated her character in handling of the arising events. She was ambitious in her field of foreign policy and helped the government to pile with the war in Iraq and the terror after the September 11, 2001 attack (Jalalzai, 2013).The man

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