Friday, June 14, 2019

Images of Japan Within and Without Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Images of Japan Within and Without - Term Paper ExampleIt is characterized by rudimentary agriculture and pit dwellings (Walt, 1980). Decorated clay vessels are examples of the oldest surviving world pottery. Japan was also characterized by Neolithic and Mesolithic culture of semi-sedentary hunter-gatherer. Japanese culture has evolved from its origin. This study is aimed at examining the images of Japan within and without. These include Japan and Japanese images in the westbound world. The primary objective is to determine the kinds of images, and how Japan has been seen by the outside world - western images and western myths. The other area of interest is the nationalism of Japan together with key aspects of change in the country household and family in Japans continuity and transformation. Japan as Seen by the Outside World- Western Images and Myths Japan is seen by the western world as a country of cherry trees and volcanoes. Japans icons are cherry blossoms and volcano Fudzij ama. This makes Japan to be viewed as a loyal, honorable and brave country. Samurai traditions demand that dough to Japanese only be second to prestige and honor. The virtues of old warriors were courage, loyalty and endurance, which smoothly translated into managerial skills (Black, 1999). Japan is also an isolated country with great contradictions. It has thriving cities in the south, which are beautiful and peaceful (Escola & Rikkinen, 1976). This is an indication that Japanese people are hard work and group oriented. According to Totman (2005), the tradition of Japan has been working together by discussion and agreement. Japanese people are hardworking and highly skilled. Japan is also clean and neat. The garden has little stream, waterfall and exquisite bridges. There are also manicured paths shrubs, rocks and flowers. It thusly, has the image of being very neat and cleans (Clavell, 1998). Japan is also seen as unique and different for many old age rest an unresolved ridd le and enigma. Though it is in Asia, it is so westernized, unlike any other country of Asia. It is uniquely adaptable countries where modernity and traditions are consisting of one continuum (Whitney, 1967). In the entire world, Japanese are known to be polite and courteous people (Clement, 1906). Littlewoods (1996) says that Japans idea on western images and myths is that different western countries have different views towards Japan. On the other hand, European images also differ from American images. The west has always been seen as an industrialized, urbanized, capitalist, modernized and highly developed. Its concept is therefore a product of 16th century historical processes as people tend to divide the world into west and non west, Japans position becomes confusing. The images are based on old pictures and descriptions. The historical perspective of Japanese images is mainly based on historical notes and books written by authors from the west. Historians have for a unyielding time debated on the seclusion of Japan. Few European works in description of Japan, appeared during the period of seclusion, and were exclusively attached to the Dutch factory. Although there were several culture limitations, Kaempfer formed the most popular western image in Japan (Clavell, 1998). The two compilations that were widely read were published in New York and London, two years before the expedition of Perry. Perrys arrival in Uraga was especially felt because of his decorative fine arts. It was also conspicuous in architecture ceramics, religious studies dance, fashion, interior(a) design, literature and landscape gardening among others. The interest of Americans and European first rose from observable images, without an intermediary aid. The popular Japanese imaginations were stirred by fans, curios, kites, parasols, combs,

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