Tuesday, June 11, 2019

One of leading causes of death Alzheimer's disease in men Essay

One of leading causes of death Alzheimers disease in men - Essay ExampleThis type of disease can in addition be described as computer storage loss or for fallfulness and it is very common among the elderly people. This condition is responsible for causing more deaths among the males in the US. Schaie & Willis (2002) advise that dementia of the mind can be attributed to old age and this is seen as a normal development in the life of the human beings. According to doubting Thomas (1996), research has shown that the majority of adults who have what he calls Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) ar not aware of their condition and the number of people stirred is great than imagined. Park (2010) posits to the effect that More than 5 million Americans currently suffer from Alzheimers disease, a number that will grow to 13.4 million by 2050. There is no cure. The other problem related to this disease is that there is no definite test for Alzheimer and the therapies that exist include drugs and lifestyle behaviors which include obligateing the mind absorb through games and puzzles as well as trying to enrich social relationships with other people. However, these techniques can only can only delay, not stop, the onset of memory loss, confusion and cognitive decline that generally extend over a period of several years, Park (2010). ... According to CDC (2011) the only remedies available include therapies that are offered by voluntary organizations in the US. These specifically picture home based care to the people affected by this disease and at times they provide training programs such as exercise as well as performing other activities like reading and watching television since they help to keep their mind active. The people who offer voluntary work to the affected people also teach them different lifestyle activities that can help them to live wellness lives. These include aspects such as good diet which can significantly improve their health. The people affected b y this disease can also get medication as prescribed by their physicians. The government and other healthcare agencies have spent a lot of money through assisting people affected by this disease. The cost of health care for people with Alzheimers disease and other dementia was estimated to be 200 one million million million dollars in 2012, including 140 billion dollars in costs to Medicare and Medicaid and is expected to reach 1.1 trillion dollars in 2050, (Tejada-Vera, 2013, p. 1). More resources are being spent in dealing with this problem hence the submit for holistic measures that can address the problem once and for all. These groups spend quite a lot of money procuring drugs that can be used by the patients. bulge out of the money is also used for educational programs that are meant to create awareness among the Americans about the dangers of this disease. It has been realized that a lot of people often ignore the organism of this epidemic which is responsible for causing a lot of premature deaths in the US. The other important aspect about

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